Kay Griffiths
Kay’s passion for conservation and wildlife management has been strong since childhood, and was put into action when she joined Conservation Corps in 1990 in Nelson, which was sponsored by the then DSIR. This was a great founding in allsorts of on the ground research work from supplementary feeding kaka and finding densities of wasps and other insects around the Nelson Lakes, to skink and snail surveys in other parts of New Zealand. Kay then returned to HB and worked for the community relations section of DoC running the summer program of recreational opportunities and on interpretation panels and pamphlets. After 3 and half years overseas Kay returned to HB, and a ranger position at Ongaonga Field Centre (DoC). During 6 years based there Kay worked throughout the Ruahine Ranges and Central and Southern HB on biodiversity and recreational projects. She also took 9 months of study leave to complete a post-graduate Diploma in Wildlife Management at Otago University. In 2001 Kay took up the position of Program Manager Biodiversity Threats for HB Area. After 4 years of this challenging role, Kay decided it was time to get back into the field and, with partner Craig Single, set up the Conservation Company.
Craig Single
Craig has been involved in the horticulture and viticulture industry for 25 years until 2003 when he decided it was time to move on to other things. After working as a grounds-man for a while, in which time he planted and maintained thousands of native plants, he joined Kay in setting up The Conservation Company. Craig has great practical and observation skills which are put to good use throughout the projects, and is a keen hunter and fisherman.
Sharon Lewis
Sharon has been working with the Conservation Company since 2008. With a background in horticulture, a good work ethic and a strong passion for nature conservation she is well suited to the work that the conservation company do.
Between us we have over 40 years experience in horticulture and conservation.
We care greatly about the environment, are conscientious and seek to achieve results.