Successful planting begins with great preparation, choosing the right plants for the site, having good plants to start off with, planting well, and ensuring the plants are weed free for the first 12 – 18months.
Waitangi Horse-shoe is managed by the HB Regional Council (HBRC) and is a constructed wetland, achieved by putting down a bore to take advantage of the water flowing between the Tutaekuri and Ngaruroro River Beds. Thousands of plants have gone into the area over several years, planted by us and volunteers, including residents from nearby Hohepa, schools and Forest & Bird members. This is a great place to watch waterbirds.

Clive River – which is actually the lower reaches of Te Karamu stream is being progressively re-vegetated by the HBRC. Planting of native species started in winter 2010 after removal of silver poplars.

Riparian plantings alongside water catchments can enhance farms or lifestyle blocks by helping to stop erosion and runoff into the waterway, provide food and shelter for wildlife, cool the waterway and make an area look more attractive.