A’Deane’s Bush Scenic Reserve, Central Hawke’s Bay, is a significant conservation landmark and includes one of the few native forest remnants in the Ashley Clinton district. The 38-hectare reserve is also home to one of the largest totara trees in the country and the threatened long tailed bat and green mistletoe.
The Department of Conservation and Friends of A’Deane’s Bush have agreed to enter a partnership to restore, protect, and enhance the indigenous flora and fauna of A’Deane’s Bush Scenic Reserve. Friends of A’Deane’s Bush currently includes neighbours John and Jay Benton, Larry and Jane White, other members of the local community, Dr Matt Baber and Kay Griffiths and Craig Single of The Conservation Com pany Ltd. Hawke’s Bay Regional Council has also expressed interest in helping in the surrounding landscape.
The vision of this partnership is to create a wildlife sanctuary where native plants and animals flourish, and where local community and visitors are encouraged to experience and learn about the ecological restoration of New Zealand’s natural heritage
The process of ecological restoration will include the control of introduced mammals and weeds, native revegetation of select terrestrial, riparian, and wetland habitats, and maybe ultimately, the reintroduction of appropriate locally extirpated native species.
Restoration of A’Deane’s Bush - operational objectives
- To facilitate involvement of local community and raise public profile
- To monitor the abundance of introduced mammals
- To control introduced mammals
- To control invasive plants
- To monitor native species response to above control
- To re-vegetate margins of bush and wetlands in appropriate species
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To get to A’Deane’s Bush Scenic Reserve take Highway 50 from Hastings or Takapau, turn west into Makeretu Rd and a few kilometers down the road is this little gem!
3 year restoration plan pdf (83kb)
Spring 2010 Update pdf (19kb)
Winter 2011 update pdf (20kb)